As if the shock of having a newborn wasn’t enough, I think I might haveTvbutton_8 had a harder time adjusting to the change in job from sassy professional gal to stay-at-home-mom. While I was surrounded by a gaggle of career mothers, few could share in my loss of what once was my very precious work.
It’s too bad I only recently happened upon Total180, a fabulous new magazine for WOHMs turned SAHMs. And don’t think you’re going to find a mommy wars debate here – according to the editors, all moms are working moms (here, here). This publication is just out to support those ladies that "still have a job title, but are no longer getting a paycheck."
Total180, published quarterly by Three Girls Media, features snappy essays and columns about the stuff that really matters, like putting up with in-laws and dealing with the husband who still thinks he’s a single guy. The compelling topics combined with the approachable writing style make it an easy read. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself saying an outloud "Amen" while flipping through it.
Use the code COOLMOM to get your subscription, regularly $15.95, for only $9.95.
[Thanks Cristina!]
