If you haven’t yet heard about True Mom Confessions, you haven’t been neglecting your kids nearly enough while surfing the web.

The entire CMP staff has been spending way too much time on the TMC website in recent days, breezing through anonymous admissions from the juicy (I want to f*ck my neighbor’s husband), to the poignant (I’m upset that my only sibling is gay and I’ll never be an aunt), to the hilarious (I might actually like Thomas the freaking tank engine if George Carlin would suddenly launch into his 7 forbidden words bit) to the brutally honest (I have a favorite child). And we can’t get enough. The site was conceived by moms Romi Lassally, editor-at-large of Huffington Post and online media consultant guru, along with Rebecca Woolf, writer/blogging rockstar–both of whom saw the need for a place where moms could vent with no judgments, no discussion, no repercussions. They’ve even launched a weekly online radio show with provocative topics like "Is infidelity the new black?"While sometimes it can feel uncomfortably voyeuristic learning about moms with terrible sex lives or eating disorders, there’s something cathartic and even essential about finding a post you relate to and clicking the button next to it that says "me too."
Like the confession that reads "I just can’t stop buying stuff from Cool Mom Picks."It could happen. –Liz