Just in time for the holidays, our blogging friends at Indie Fixx have come along with their very own online boutique, appropriately named the Indie Fixx Shop. Perfect!

You’ll have fun browsing the beautiful site for all kinds of very reasonable jewelry, yummy bath products, and fun stuff for the home including the great block print dishtowels from Artgoodies, previously featured here. All of it is, natch, from independent artists.

But what really caught my eye for kids was Shira Sela’s lovely Kite Print. Just grab the frame with that old nursery print you’re tired of, replace it with this, and make a little girl’s room beautiful. It’s just $20. Which means you can now go back and click on the earrings you have your eye on too.

One for you, one for me… the best kind of holiday shopping. –Liz 

CMP Readers: Save 10% through 11/19 with code indie_fixx_coolmoms
