I’ve just returned from our first ever overseas trip with two children in tow. Thankfully (seriously, thank you powers-that-be) they were both exemplary travelers. While I’d like to think that my stellar parenting skills are entirely responsible, I have to throw a hat tip to the FAA-approved CARES restraint system.

No traveling parent should be without this genius grandma-invented five-point belt that hooks around the back of the seat and keeps restless kids up to 44 pounds from aisle surfing during take-off. I’d bet it’s especially great for more rambunctious kids, along with the under-two set who can’t be rationalized with or bribed with cookies just yet.

I especially love that it weighs nothing – which is about 600 pounds less than your average toddler seat. Although perhaps it’s too unobtrusive; we accidentally left ours on the plane. Rats. –Liz
