Let’s continue what is fast becoming Kids Shoes Month at CMP. We have been bowled over lately by the number of far too cute footwear options for people far too little to appreciate such deliciousness.

Way up on our list: The new sandals from CMP fave Livie and Luca.

Forget for a moment (if possible) that this mom-run company’s handmade styles are beyond adorable and colorful and funky and original. What’s really appealing to me is that my daughter has been wearing–i.e. beating on–her Livie and Luca elephant shoes for about a year now, and they still look terrific, if a little small. So of course I’m excited that now she gets to do the same for her snappy new apple sandals until those too are a little small.

The other super sandal option for girls: The octopus. The tentacles curl with age. Cuuuute. And little boys have plenty of options too. Like my daughter’s elephant shoes. Just don’t ask her to lend them out. –Liz
