When I heard that Music Together was creating a CD for everyone, and not just the lucky families who get it free along with their children’s music classes, I jumped at the opportunity to check it out. Granted I’m a registered Music Together teacher currently on mom-hiatus so yes, I’m biased. But if you’ve ever taken a class, or heard the music, you’ll know exactly why this is audio crack for kids.

A research-based program that encourages the love of music in kids from a very early age, Music Together is all about culturally diverse tunes along with a variety of tonalities and rhythms — not just your regular old sugar-pumped nursery rhymes. Music Together: Family Favorites CD snags the best songs from all nine collections, leaving out some of the classroom exercises that break up their other CDs which make it an excellent addition to your “distract the kids on long car rides” collection.

Keep in mind, it’s definitely a kid’s album with music specifically made for kids; no covers of Blitzkrieg Bop here. But it will absolutely expose your children to a world of wonderful, appropriate music without you having to reach for your ear plugs. -Kristen