I have been standing by observing the current “big ring” craze and wishing
to be someone I’m not. The fact of the matter is that I’m a dreadful
klutz, and I have long eschewed wearing even a normal-sized ring with a
raised stone because I will invariably either get it tangled in my hair
(don’t ask) or end up scratching one of my kids with it.

Imagine my delight to slide a bold, beautiful glass ring from Gaia Glass onto my finger. And decide to keep it.

Although their online presence is new, glassmaker Angelo Tiozzo and his
younger brothers have been running Gala Glass as a family business for
over four decades so yeah, I’d say they know what they’re doing. The ring not only
hip and eye-catching, it’s also smooth and 100% klutz-proof.

finally in on the trend, and without bodily harm either. At these prices–think the $10-15 range–I
can afford to get one for every outfit too. I think I’m in love. –Mir

Shop now mamas – prices are going up in October
