Stroller bunting by Bonne BonnetsFor a guy who sets the thermostat at a level approaching “sauna,” it baffles me that my husband loves to take the jogging stroller on errands even when the temperature sinks below forty. While he dresses himself properly in layers, he tends to toss a blanket over the kids and assume they’ll be warm enough. Um, honey? It’s not the baby doing the jogging.

The new stroller bunting from Bonne Bonnets (makers of those Bugaboo stroller canopies we love) was made for absentminded parents like him– and shivering kids like mine.  Basically, it’s a sleeping bag style foot muff with a zipper close and strategically-placed slots to accommodate the stroller buckles.  It was a snap to attach it to the jogger, and it’ll be a snap to transfer it to any of the other strollers in our stable.

The inside is fleecy, the outside is hardy, and my baby stays warm and cozy. Even if his daddy’s not. -Julie

Find this terrific baby bunting at the Bonne Bonnets store.