UV Sun Sense wristbands detect UV raysThe best part of the summer, for me, are the days spend hanging out at our local pool, but worst part is getting my son to put on sunscreen. No, strike that, usually I can pin him down long enough to slather him with the first coating; it’s arguing over how long the sunscreen lasts and when it’s time to reapply that’s brutal.

Even with just 6 weeks of summer left, I am thrilled to have found the genius UVSunSense wristbands that show both of us exactly when his SPF 55 has worn off. I put the bracelet on (a sticky tab makes it easy to adjust to any size) and then apply sunscreen to the band when I put it on his skin. When it’s exposed to the sun it changes from a peach color to bluish-purple. When the band turns brown it’s time to reapply sunscreen. And when it turns orange it’s time to head inside. How cool is that?

It also works in water, so when my son climbed out of the pool after an hour of going down the water slide I still had an accurate gauge of how his sunscreen was holding up. Better yet he couldn’t argue with me when I showed him it was time for another coating. –Betsy

UVSunSense sun protection wristbands are available at UVSunSense.