Emandsprouts Mini Me Custom Felt PortraitRarely do I bemoan the fact that my daughter won’t tolerate anything in her hair, but when I first saw these mini me custom felt portraits from Emandsprout, I couldn’t stop thinking of how utterly adorable a portrait barrette would look in her blond hair.

Send in a photo and the the artist will turn it into a custom felt portrait that can be made into a hair clip, headband, or brooch–any of which would be a super cute way to accessorize an outfit. Emandsprout’s creations are known for being impeccably made, and her whimsy extends to a huge offering of adult shoes as well as many more hair accessories, clothing, and other fun items.

The more I think about it, I could use the brooch to label my daughter’s backpack or to spruce up last year’s winter hat. Or adorn her favorite scarf. The possibilities could be endless. –Carrie

Find really cool custom hair clips and more at Emandsprout on Etsy.

[via junior society]