Go and Good Things HappenIt’s turning into good cause day at Cool Mom Picks, which is just okey dokey by us.  In this case, it’s Bugaboo, whose Frog stroller saved this Brooklyn mama from three years of curbs, cobblestones, and car-eating potholes, and the noble cause: The (PRODUCT)RED Global Fund to help fund AIDS programs in Africa for families and children.

Through BUGABOO (PRODUCT)RED, the company is launching the snazziest special edition denim-canopied Chameleon stroller, which we got to admire (and drool over) at the ABC show last month. There are also some great new accessories and a swanky, very well-designed leather diaper bag that you’ll carry long past your kids are in diapers.

Bugaboo Project RED strollerThey’ve also created this charming little animated short, Go and Good Things Happen that will make you happy — take a second and watch it. The Guillemots song is lovely and my kids just made me play the film for them like six times.

So if you’re going to buy a Bug? This is a good time. Starting today Bugaboo contributes 1% of their revenue to the Global Fund.

Considering how much their products cost, that’s a big 1%. Go Bug. –Liz

Find Bugaboo strollers and accessories in the BUGABOO (PRODUCT)RED collection online at shops like Giggle, Buy Buy Baby, and Babies R Us

Congratulations to Megan R., lucky winner of the Bugaboo diaper bag!