Thanksgiving from Mercy CorpsI love Thanksgiving. Just love it. Despite the fact that the whole history behind it might be somewhat mythological. (Were the Native Americans really that underdressed in November? Hm.) Still, I adore what it’s become, at least in our family. But then, I have a pretty cool family and don’t mind spending a day chowing down on stuffing with them.

We’ve always had the tradition of holding hands around the table before we eat, while we give thanks for what we have and recognizing those who have less than us. But this year especially, I hope we can create a new tradition, inspired by the Mercy Corps Thanksgiving program, to donate the cost of our Thanksgiving dinner to help hungry people around the world. You can donate the cost of just the apple pie you made, or bottle of wine you brought – whatever works for you.

I especially love Mercy Corps’s One Table initiative, which takes on hunger by directly investing in the women of the world. This video in which African women describe what they’re thankful for inspired me enough to want to post it here.

Happy Thanksgiving, cool moms. Kiss those cute babies for us. –Liz