Hipstamatic iPhone ApplicationI’m far from a photography expert, and admittedly, the only camera I use anymore is my iPhone.  While every now and then I get a great picture with it, I often feel bad that the only pictures of my kids are taken with the sub-par quality of a camera phone. That is, until I discovered Hipstamatic.

I first stumbled upon it while perusing uber mom-blog Dooce, and admired Heather Armstrong’s photos thinking they were taken with some fancy pants camera. But then when I found out it was an iPhone application, I definitely had to check it out.

This super cool iPhone photography app adds a filter to make your pics look like they were taken with one of those awesome old plastic cameras. For $1.99 you get three lens types, a choice of films, and two flashes, all of which you can play around with quite easily–even if you usually need a map and personal instructor just to use a point n’ shoot camera. You can always add additional packages for $.99 if you find yourself addicted. And you will.

Cool Mom Picks Pick of the Year 2010In other words, for about $5, you can get every component to the application, and pretty much turn every iPhone snapshot into something worth saving.

What I love most is that it completely eliminates any issues with blurriness that you might get with the iPhone camera, which is nice when there’s just no way to take a picture of your kids three times in a row to get it right. Awesome. -Kristen

Purchase the Hipstamatic iPhone application at iTunes.

[thanks heather and cecily; photo by Cecily K]