BabyBjorn Comfort CarrierNo matter how you feel about babywearing, one thing is certain: The BabyBjorn is a very popular carrier. From the shelves of Babies R Us to the celebrity pages of US Weekly, Bjorns are instantly recognizable even to folks who think a mei tai is an alcoholic drink with a small umbrella in it.

Many families are understandably distraught when their baby sizes out of the Bjorn, a time that can come way too early if Junior is a chunk. You’ll be happy to know that BabyBjorn now has a solution in the BabyBjorn Comfort Carrier, a buckle carrier created to last until age two, or from 13 to 31 pounds.

Much like the traditional Bjorns, the Comfort Carrier includes an over-the-head design and adjustable side snaps. In this case though, your baby can face inwards or outwards by changing an attached zipping panel. I found the carrier comfortable, ergonomic, and sturdy particularly for an inward-facing toddler, and the padded waist and shoulders definitely helped keep the weight off my back which is often a complaint with traditional Bjorns.

There is a learning curve however, and I must admit that the carrier can be complicated and bulkier than some other options–I wouldn’t want to be caught wearing it without the baby, if you get my drift. But if you’re a diehard Bjorn fan, I think you’ll be pleased with a toddler carrier that does everything the old Bjorn does and more. ~Delilah

Find the new BabyBjorn Comfort Carrier on the website or check their Store Locator to find it near you.

Congratulations to Ashley A, lucky winner of the BabyBjorn Comfort Carrier in anthracite!