incredible outrageous sticker bookIf my kids are any indication, Stickermania may in fact be an actual medical condition. It strikes kids between 2 and 3, can last as long as a decade, and side effects may include weak and broken nails–your own–after scraping stickers off the living room floor and the dog.

On the positive side, however, it means stickers become a genius distraction on long car rides, doctor office waits, or dinners out.

My kid are in love with the Incredible,
Outrageous Sticker Book
by Klutz thanks to Grandma and her
excellent gift-purchasing skills. With more than 450 pages filled with
stickers and better yet, appropriate places to put them. Little kids,
like my three year-old, enjoy the simple activities, while older ones
can get into the more creative stuff. At just over 10 bucks, it makes an awesome gender-neutral birthday gift too.

If you’ve got a big summer trip coming up with your 3-8 year old, trust
me. This is mother’s little helper. Or really, mother’s incredible,
outrageous helper. –Liz

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Outrageous Sticker Book from Klutz at our affiliate Amazon