SwitchitiZ kids' t-shirts - change the designMy daughter refused to wear anything but Hello Kitty garb for 63 days straight. True story. Then, just as we were all very (very!) Hello Kitty-ed out, she decided that she would never wear the same shirt twice. She hasn’t stuck to that plan (thank goodness), but definite opinions about her clothing are her M.O. Like most kids, the girl loves versatility.

Future fashion editor? The world’s next scientist specializing in chaos theory? A normal kid?
Whatever the case, I am beyond thrilled to find the brand new SwitchittZ shirts by Thread Adventures. These tees are made to change as often as a kid’s creative mind does.

[don’t miss a great offer after the jump]

Each SwitchittZ tee
has a theme–outer space, enchanted garden, dinosaur land, and
more–and comes with cute character patches that your kid can attach
right into the design, on velcro spots. You can also order extra patches
for $5 each to add even more awesome possibilities considering each one
has a different backstory.

For example, “Charm,” the unicorn? She brings good luck and helps
protect Castle City from the Nogards, the group of dragons that are
trying to get Princess Rosalina’s enchanted wand.
I mean, awesome. It’s a land of make-believe on a tee to appeal to any kid’s creativity. 

might add a few extra minutes on to the getting-ready morning routine,
but you know what? I totally need that time for a second cup of coffee,
anyway. -Lexi

Get switchable tees from SwitchittZ and save 20 percent with code CMP-SwitchittZ-20off at checkout.