SAVE ME!Here’s the bad news: In the next few days, Congress will vote on a bill that could completely eliminate all federal funding for public broadcasting. That’s not an exaggeration.

Here’s the good news: There’s still time to save Elmo.

The government spends only $1.35 per person per year to provide us with PBS, NPR, and the 1000+ local stations that are enjoyed  by 170 million Americans each month. If you’re one of them, then you’re probably as scared as we are at the thought of losing Super Why, All Things Considered, all the wonderful local programming, and of course our beloved Sesame Street.

Public TV and Radio programmingElmo deserves better.

Besides, we think it’s essential to have something on the airwaves that isn’t owned and controlled by a corporation and reflecting corporate interests.

So here’s what you can do. Go to the 170 Million Americans website and follow their easy prompts to write to your Congressmen, spread the message via Twitter and Facebook, and stay informed.

It’s the least we can do to keep educational programs on the airwaves. Without our support, PBS and NPR could become as imaginary as the Snuffleupagus. A thought too depressing for words -Delilah

Go to 170 Million Americans and click Take Action to help save public broadcasting.