cribsie award winner cool mom picksWe were nothing short of thrilled to find out that we’ve won a Cribsie Award for the most trustworthy product reviews for parents. Thank you Cribsies!

Considering more than 135,000 total votes were cast, and our formidable competition included Daily Candy, AOL’s Parent Dish, Babble, and Lil’ Sugar–some of our favorite sites too–we really are blown away.

Head over to the website and see the winners in more than 60 categories, including lots of brands you might be familiar with from these pages. (You Cribsie voters have good taste!)

Thank you so much to those of you who voted for us. Your trust and support means the world to us. And to any new visitors – welcome to the coolest community anywhere (if we do say so ourselves). We hope you enjoy our site and our free newsletter and our discounts and our giveaways and our stupid puns in our headlines and our random references to the Real Housewives. –Kristen + Liz

Thank you to A-List Mom and Stroller Traffic for putting on a helluva contest