Cherrywood Kitchen fudge brownie mixFor my entire life, dairy and I have had a love/hate relationship. Currently we’re in hate mode. Well, at least my stomach is. And the same goes for a couple of my kids. But I’m also a bit of a sweets addict, which makes binges a little challenging. Fortunately, that’s all changed since I found my new favorite go-to dessert.

I just happened to pick up a box of Cherrybrook Kitchen fudge brownie mix
from my local grocery store on whim and boy am I glad I did — though my
post-partum diet plan may feel differently. Just add water, oil,
margarine (or similar) to their natural mix which includes dairy-free
chocolate chips and real Belgian chocolate. In about 15 minutes
you’ve got truly good brownies — a nice change from the sugary dirt
many of these “free” mixes end up tasting like.

Now don’t get me
wrong–of you’re looking for super decadent gooey brownies, this isn’t it.
But if you want to enjoy something sweet and delicious without the
lactose-induced stomachache later, then Cherrybrook Kitchen is definitely the way to go. And you know? My brownie-loving, dairy eating husband agrees. -Kristen

You can purchase a case of the Cherrybrook Kitchen fudge brownie mix from our affiliate, or check your local grocery store. That’s where I found them.