garden shearsOf all the gifts my sigOth has given to me over all the years, there’s one that I think might be my very favorite: garden shears.

Yes, garden shears. And I don’t even have a garden.

We are rarely without cut flowers in the house, and it kind of makes me
crazy to try and saw off the stems with a chef’s knife. It made him more
crazy that I was using his good knives in the first place. Thus – the Celia Birtwell garden pruners (or secateur if you’re fancy) that make me happy every time I take them out.

The beautiful floral pattern is straight off her famed textiles, and yet
they’re not just about looks; the shears can cut straight through a fat
sunflower stem or a tough lilac stalk as if it were nothing. And the safety latch is a nice touch with kids in the house.

Grab one for
yourself, or as a hostess gift, along with the matching gardening tools if you want to make a bigger splash. Trust me, she’ll thank you for it every day. –Liz

Find the floral Celia Birtwell garden pruners online at the NY Botantical Gardens gift shop [note updated link] or direct from the UK online Celia Birkwell shop.