Zevro cereal dispenserSchool mornings get chaotic. Kids are running around, remembering things that were supposed to be put in their backpacks the night before. Shoes are untied while sandwiches are turned crustless. I get anxious just thinking about it. Oh, yeah. And you need to send the brood off to school with full stomachs eager to absorb.

Since i don’t have more than two hands, I will happily let this brilliant breakfast gadget lend me a knob.

I pour the cereal into the clear Zevro cereal dispenser
and it stays fresh and crisp until it gets eaten. My little ones can
turn the knob by themselves and out comes the cereal all nice and neat.

My kids love doing things on their own, and I love letting them. Plus it
frees me up to make sure that all of the other things get done before
the first bell rings.

Just know that unfortunately, the heavier the object, the
less effective the knob. Stick with cereal and you can’t go wrong. Don’t
tempt fate with Peanut M-n-Ms. -Eva

The Zevro cereal dispenser is available at Containerstore.com