Towelmate beach towels for kidsIt’s not too often that I get excited about a beach towel for kids. Yes, I get it – some have cuter patterns or whatever. But in the case of Towelmate, they really did reinvent the beach towel for both kids and adults–and it’s awesome.

Hit the Towelmate
website and you’ll find a brilliantly simple idea–towels with a little
zipper up one side, forming a small pocket for your keys or money. Or
in the case of the kids’ beach towels,
lotion and little treasures. In fact, I love that right inside the
pocket it say “shells.”

The mermaid towel
for girls is adorable (although as with all products I could live
without the company logo on the front). I imagine the fun design will
appeal to girls from toddler through tween. And the soft cotton velour
is definitely a step up from the scratchy company logo towels we’ve
amassed from who knows where.

Towelmate beach towel for kids

the boys’ motif–a little train–is definitely suited towards the
preschool set. I’m hoping that with more success will come more designs
all around.

And if you want one for you–the person with actual valuables to stash away at the beach–there are a few Towelmate towels for adults
including a nice hibiscus print (just pretend you didn’t see the getup
of the model in the photos), a colorful chevron, and a basic striped
towel that should appease the menfolk.

I could think of worse ways to start my summer than with the knowledge that I’m not going to lose my keys at the beach. –Liz

Find clever beach towels for kids and adults online from Towelmate