I’ll admit the sun frightens me, especially where my little boys are concerned. But I don’t let my fear keep us inside or under a tree–though I admit to having overloaded them with sunscreen until their limbs resembled a sheet of notebook paper. Thankfully, I discovered a new blanket made with a UPF 50+ fabric which is just the ticket for parents like me.

sunsnapz UPF blankets

The new UPF 50 blanket from Sun Snapz
is made without chemicals and fits over strollers, baby carriers, and
car seats. It’s also great as as snuggly wrap for kids. The snaps make it
perfect for using it all kinds of ways. And while it doesn’t replace sunscreen, it does make me feel extra protected.

You should be able to get a couple of years out of it at least; evidently the sun protection lasts in the blankets for 40 washer/dryer cycles. After that, you’ll still have a cozy blanket.

spending this coming week at the beach and rather than just wrapping my
16-month-old in a regular towel after swim time, I’m covering him in this. That way I can get a little more relaxation in too.  -Melissa

The SunSnapz UPF 50 baby blanket is $45 at SunSnapz.com.