My older daughter took the plunge into the world of pierced ear this year and, well, that’s a whole story in itself. But in the meanwhile her sister is very happy sticking with the cool temporary tattoo jewelry just out from Poppy Drops. When we first discovered their cute little tattoo “stud earrings” our kids were instantly smitten. So how perfect that they’ve has just expanded into other designs, including rings, friendship bracelets, and other ear art.  And they’re used with the same safe, gentle vegetable dyes as the originals.


Temporary tattoo jewelry from Poppy Drops on

They’re so fun for rainy days, dress up marathons, goodie bags, and birthday party crafts with the kids – even the boys we know love them.  But the he best part might be (besides the no pain of ear piercing thing) that there is no way they can lose them at school. Kids can only lose them in the bathtub – with a little baby oil and a some gentle scrubbing from a wash cloth.

Find the new packs of  temporary tattoo jewelry of all kinds at Poppy Drops for $9.99 a kit.