Once your kids get too old for our awesome Baby Halloween Costume ideas, they may want to come up with a group costume that involves their friends, as is the case with my own kids this year.  So gather them around the computer–or just send them the link to this post–and show them some of these really cool ideas for the coolest and most creative group Halloween costumes for kids. Hope they inspire something wonderful.


Creative group Halloween costume ideas: Social Media Icons by GymnastLaura on Instagram

Social Media Icon Group Halloween Costume (GymnastLaura on Instagram)

Perfect for those ever-texting tweens, though they may argue over who gets stuck being Facebook.

Justice League of American LEGO Minifigs Group Halloween Costume at Instructables

LEGO Justice League Minifigs (Instructables)

If your kids already love building with LEGO bricks, hopefully they can build their own costume too.

Black and White Group Halloween Costume at Pop Sugar

Black-and-White People Group Halloween Costume (The Meta Picture, via Pop Sugar)

Remember when this is what actual film looked like, and not just a filter you used sometimes? Also, remember actual film?

Slurpees Group Halloween Costume at Costume Works

Slurpees Group Halloween Costume (Costume Works)

A kale smoothie costume just wouldn’t be as fun. Truth.

Minecraft Group Halloween Costume at Costume Works

Minecraft Group Halloween Costume (Costume Works)

Unless you are super-skilled at painting, these printable Minecraft costume sheets at Spoonflower will make this idea doable.


Creative group Halloween costume ideas: Great Presidents at Costume Works

Great Presidents Group Halloween Costume (Costume Works)

Your politics may dictate whether Hillary is part of the group or not but we find it hilarious. Pants suit and all.

Monopoly Group Halloween Costume idea at Costume Works

Monopoly Group Halloween Costume (Costume Works)

Though there are dozens of pieces you can make from poster board, I think the little jail square is a must.

Matryoshka Dolls Group Halloween Costume at Costume Works

Matryoshka Dolls Group Halloween Costume (Costume Works)

Just make sure they line up in descending order; it doesn’t quite work as well when everyone is the same size.

Rock Paper Scissors Group Halloween Costume at Abbiegoguen

Rock Paper Scissors Group Halloween Costume (Abbiegoguen on Instagram)

At least they’ll know how to shoot it out if they can’t agree who gets the last Milky Way.


Where's Waldo Group Halloween Costume on ABC 7 News

Where’s Waldo? Group Halloween Costume (ABC7 photo)

Remember: Only one can be the real Waldo. Ha.

Shark Week Group Halloween Costume at Coolest Homemade Costumes

Shark Week Group Halloween Costume (Costume Works)

Finally, a costume with some bite. Sorry, couldn’t resist.


For more fun costume ideas check these helpful posts:

Last minute costume ideas
25 Creative DIY Halloween costumes for babies
22 Creative DIY Halloween costumes for kids
The easiest DIY costume ideas for babies
Awesome babywearing costume ideas for new parents