Bright, fun, and very, very easy, the new oversized search-and-find books Animal Fun Search & Find and Fairy Tale Search & Find by Stephanie Hinton are absolutely charming me. And my preschoolers. They’re perfect for kids who are too young to find Waldo, considering the bold, bright illustrations have been with us now to the supermarket, the doctor’s office, and a trip to Grandma’s, I’d call them a hit.

There’s a lot of variety in the pages of these books, which is what keeps my kids coming back to them. Animal Fun, as you might expect, features a fabulous menagerie of woodland, farm, ocean, polar, and African animals. And the Fairy Tales isn’t just for princess lovers; while yes, it has Sleeping Beauty and Little Mermaid, it also features actual fairy tale classics that are not yet blockbuster movies, like Three Little Pigs, Hansel and Gretel, and Little Red Riding Hood.


Great board books: Animal Fun Search & Find by Stephanie Hinton


Great board books: Fairy Tales Search & Find by Stephanie Hinton


Fairy Tales Search and Find books: Awesome board books for kids not ready for Waldo
These books are probably best suited for the older end of preschool. They are board books, after all. But at the same time, my almost-ten-year-old is having fun quizzing his little brother on what to look for, then keeping quiet while he finds them.

A moment of sibling harmony, while they read together? Yep, that’s fine by me.

You can preorder Fairy Tales Search & Find and Animal Fun Search & Find by Stephanie Hinton at our affiliate Amazon, or in your local indie bookstore.