I’d like to preface this post by saying that I know inspiration quote art prints aren’t everybody’s jam. Kristen, for example, prefers funny inspirational quotes for her walls. Her picks are hysterical, but I admit that when I’m in the middle of a total fail day, I often need more than just a laugh. I need words that motivate, inspire, or encourage me to get through whatever’s getting me down.

What can I say, sometimes just seeing a quote that strikes the right chord can have an impact on me.

Luckily, motivational posters have come a long way since the days of cats hanging from tree branches. Beautifully designed inspirational quote art prints are no longer an oxymoron, meaning you can confidently hang them on any wall that that needs beautifying. Above your desk is an obvious choice for quote art, but I think words of encouragement are be helpful anywhere in the house.

As long as you don’t have too many of them. You don’t want your entire home looking like a self-help guru’s waiting room.

Related: 15 hilariously irreverent inspirational art prints we’d actually hang on our walls



Free printable: Shoot For The Moon inspirational quote art print from Caravan Shoppe

Caravan Shoppe is one of my go-to sites for fun, family-friendly digital downloads and free printable like this Shoot for the Moon print. The popular Les Brown quote, which I’ve seen interpreted in totally cheesy ways, looks totally modern here, with imperfect handwriting (not a font — look how different the o’s are) against a starry background. The inspirational quote print is designed to be printed as large as 36″ x 48″ and even at that size, it should only cost you a few of bucks at your local copy center.


If you read Girlboss, you'll want to download this free Life is Short inspirational quote art print from The Crafted Life

I haven’t yet read #GIRLBOSS, but I’m inspired to pick up a copy after finding this free printable from The Crafted Life featuring a quote from author Sophie Amoruso. (See! Inspirational quotes work, ha.) If the message life is short, don’t be lazy doesn’t help you me going — whether to the gym or on that big work deadline — I’m not sure what will.

Related: Inspiring words for aspiring adults


Have Courage and Be Kind: An inspirational quote art print in gold foil from Hello ToshaIf you saw the live-action Cinderella movie earlier this year, you might remember this quote: I want to tell you a secret that will see you through all the trials life will have to offer, have courage and be kind. For where there is kindness, there is goodness and where there is goodness, there is magic! Inspired by those words, Tosha Seeholzer hand lettered this metallic 8×10 print, which shines with gold foil. Have courage and be kind is a perfect message for both adults and kids, so I’d hang this one where the whole family can appreciate it.


You're the Best and the Mostest: This inspirational quote art print from The Land of Nod shines in gold foil

So what if mostest isn’t a word. Inspirational artwork doesn’t need to be grammatically correct in my mind; it only needs to make you feel good about yourself, and this gold foil inspational quote art print at The Land of Nod, of all places, certainly does the trick. It reminds me of a modern, more hip version of Stuart Smalley’s classic Saturday Night Live affirmations. In a good way.





It always seems impossible until it's done - Nelson Mandela inspirational quote art print

If you’re looking for some encouragement to get you through a big life transition, a major work assignment, or maybe just helping your kids with their homework, these wise words from Nelson Mandela always do it for me.  It always seems impossible until it’s done is a powerful message, but I like how it’s presented with a minimalist design that makes it feel thoughtful thanks to the UK designers at Etsy’s The Bookworm.

For typography lovers: I Can and I Will inspirational quote art print from Etsy

For all of you typography lovers, I love this  modern inspirational quote print offering a simple affirmation: I can & I will. This modern black and white design from Ink and Dolly doesn’t shout “inspirational quote art print” because of that awesome oversized ampersand, making this poster perfect for the living room. Or anywhere you’re looking to make a big statement. What a cool message for our kids to see, too.

Be so good they can't ignore you - Steve Martin | Printable inspirational art quote from Digital Pixie

We’re all huge Steve Martin fans here at Cool Mom Picks and would probably jump off the Brooklyn Bridge if he advised it. No not really; so this is not a “Go jump off the Brooklyn Bridge” art print.  But we totally respect his words of wisdom and this quote, in particular, speaks to me — Be so good they can’t ignore you. And I love the modern design of this affordable digital download from Visual Pixie



I will not compare myself to strangers on the internet: An inspirational quote art print from Emily McDowell

As somebody who spends all her time online (hey, it’s my job!), I often need to be reminded not to compare myself to other writers and bloggers who do what I’m doing. It’s easy to fall into the comparison trap, whether you’re working, or just scrolling through your Instagram feed. Emily McDowell, another Cool Mom Picks favorite, offers a much-needed modern affirmation in I will not compare myself to strangers on the internet, packaged as a gorgeous, colorful print.

Related: Hilarious coffee mugs from Emily McDowell.

Go Forth Rebels: An inspirational quote art print from Minted

I don’t know that Go Forth Rebels is an actual quote from anywhere in particular, but it makes for motivating marching orders. The juxtaposition of the bold, rebellious text against the pretty painted flowers is what initially drew my attention to this eye-catching inspirational quote artwork from Minted. The more I look at it, the more inspired I feel to blaze my own trail. Who’s with me?



Schoolhouse Electric inspirational quote art print: Comparison is the thief of joy, exclusive

So this exclusive inspirational Theodore Roosevelt quote print designed by London-based artist Ben Treanor for Schoolhouse Electric is pricey, but it’s one of the coolest interpretations of this fantastic quote that I’ve ever seen. Plus, it comes framed, saving you the hassle of having to do it yourself. If you’re into both hand-drawn typography and inspirational quotes, this poster well might be worth the splurge.