Every breastfeeding mom I know absolutely despises the “pump and dump.” All that work to throw my liquid gold down the drain? No, thanks. But it’s a reality for many moms who travel for work and have no other option besides risking spoilage or schlepping a sloshy cooler around the airport.

So I was so intrigued to learn about Milk Stork, a service that helps pumping moms ship or carry their breastmilk home to the baby without the hassle

Okay…so with less hassle Because pumping itself is not exactly a spa-like experience. But at least the transport will be easier!

Related: This brilliant site lets moms register for more maternity leave. 

Milk Stork helps traveling moms get their milk back home to baby.

Milk Stork mails an insulated box (similar to the ones you receive with meal delivery kits like Blue Apron) with room for 6-12 bags of milk, plus a high-tech cooling unit that’s activated with a button. From there, moms can opt for a toteable version to carry with them, or a shippable unit that comes pre-labeled and ready to be dropped off at a FedEx.

Smart, right?

Considering it’s such a cool, innovative service, it’s no surprise that it costs well, almost as much as literal liquid gold.

Pack and tote options start at $79, and pack and ship starts at $139, which is a lot for a day or two’s worth of milk. But it might be worth it for a mom whose baby won’t take formula or who doesn’t have time to pump and freeze such a large supply pre-trip.

Plus, Milk Stork offers corporate partnerships for family-friendly companies that want to support their nursing moms, and I’m hoping that loads of businesses jump on the trend.

Because the only reason to pump and dump should be having one too many margaritas, amirite?

Check out Milk Stork for pricing and all the other important deets.