Oh! what a cool book

Oh! what a cool book

Browsing the Picasso Museum gift shop in Barcelona last week (I know, totally rubbing it in) I came across the most wonderful little book called Oh! by Josse Goffin. I had an idea that my two year-old wouldn’t be able to put it down and indeed, that’s just...
Artwork you’ll love inside and out

Artwork you’ll love inside and out

What happens when you cross an artist and a doctor? Radiology Art, it seems. Artist Satre Stuelke took his fascination with everyday objects, and his fascination with radiology, and created one of the most avant-garde, unique, and downright awesome collection of art...
The writing’s on the wall, literally

The writing’s on the wall, literally

Telling your child to grab a marker and go scribble on the walls is right up there with asking them to run with scissors. Unless you’re talking about Idea Paint, which basically turns any surface into a dry erase board. It’s easy to apply; just prime a...
Coloring is serious business

Coloring is serious business

Of course every parent thinks every scribble their child does is a collectible masterpiece, but in the case of the Coloring Can Be Funny coloring book, I think it’s kinda true. Talented, ?ber-hip artist, S. Britt, turned a bunch of his whimsical doodles into...
Chalk it up to the animals

Chalk it up to the animals

I’d argue there’s little more useful than a chalkboard, especially the two beautiful new chalkboard stickers at Zoe b Organic in the shape of either the endangered Isabelle butterfly or a koala bear. They’re made from potato starch, which results in...
Just the right shade of … skin

Just the right shade of … skin

My daughter recently drew a picture of herself and one of her school friends. She made herself pink and her friend brown. Neither color was exactly … right. And as a budding artist, she was bothered by the limitations of her crayons. Just as her hair isn’t...