A Good Reason Not To Take A Holiday Off

A Good Reason Not To Take A Holiday Off

So you’re enjoying your Labor Day weekend, perhaps planning a little backyard barbecue or a day at the local pool…and now here comes Cool Mom Picks to burst your bubble. Maybe if you just worked a teeeeeny bit more or stopped taking those damn weekends off...
Made In the Shade

Made In the Shade

I can’t be the only one who, in a fit of desperation, draped a receiving blanket over the top of my stroller to shield my sleeping baby from the sun. And I certainly can’t be the only one who couldn’t enjoy the silence of a napping child because I...
Pocketbook On Wheels

Pocketbook On Wheels

Since we all know that women only buy cars based on the cupholders (is my scarcasm coming across?) the same might go for strollers. Then again, the top strollers don’t necessarily have the best Diet Coke storage, to say nothing of easy access to all your other...
Clippy Not Slippy

Clippy Not Slippy

My first child is on her way and while I still have a lot to learn, one thing I’ve already got down pat is how not to experience a repeat of The Slippy Blanket Stroller Incident that occurred while I was walking with my infant niece. Let’s just say that...
My Milk is Cooler Than Yours

My Milk is Cooler Than Yours

One of the great benefits of breastfeeding is that you don’t need to remember to pack your boobs when you head out with the baby. But once you’re onto bottles–whether filled with formula, breast milk or soy (no discrimination here)–you start...
Buying the Farm

Buying the Farm

I generally laugh when I can hear strollers coming from two blocks away. Between the clip-on plush toys with rattles, jingly balls, and squeaky stuffed animals all tethered to the stroller bar–it’s madness! But this hand-crocheted string of rabbit pram...
Better than Duct Tape

Better than Duct Tape

The first time they throw thebottleon the ground, it’s kind of cute. They laugh, you bend over, and like the naive parent that you are, you give it back. But after doing it fifteen times straight, you realize that it’s not so cute, and neither are...
Saddlebags You’ll Actually Want

Saddlebags You’ll Actually Want

For several years now, Skip*Hop has made the practical, durable, men-love-’em-too diaper bags that adorn the strollers of the smartest parents around town. Recently the company went big with their ingenious double stroller bag. But now they’re changing...