

Like any magazine, the Cool Mom Picks team occasionally receive products for review purposes, however, that does not guarantee that they will be featured here. We simply pick items that are cool to us and that we think will be cool to you. That said, we can’t guarantee that they will be cool to you too, nor can we be held responsible if you purchase an item and you think it is not cool.

(Though hopefully that won’t happen, because we’re picky.)

We occasionally create sponsored content on behalf of brands or partners we like, and who we think you’ll like too. If we don’t think you will like them, we don’t write about them. When we do create sponsored content for the brands we like, or if we include affiliate links that may generate a small commission to support our team at no additional cost to you, you will know about it loud and clear via disclosures on the post. Transparency matters to us.

If we have been invited on a press junket or media trip for the purposes of reviewing a film, a brand, or a travel destination, we will disclose that as well.

We are strong advocates of the FTC guidelines for online advertising.

And hey, when you happen to support the fantastic brands who partner with site, we always appreciate it. They are the reason we can do what we love every day and keep it free for you.


You can read our complete privacy policy at this link.


While the info on these pages is accurate to the best of our knowledge (reader trust is so important to us), some information may become out of date over time. Companies go out of business. Links change. It happens. Therefore we reserve the right to update information or correct errors or omissions from our content.

Our own content is in no way intended to, nor may it be construed to constitute professional medical, health, safety, legal, tax, or financial advice. Always seek the advice of a qualified professional regarding medical or fitness products, programs or treatments. (But you knew that.) Also read manufacturer safety instructions before using products, especially on baby gear, because, of course.

We do not make any representations nor do we endorse the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement, or other material, displayed here by third parties, including advertising, and outbound links.



Our compensation comes from display ads, some extremely awesome sponsors, and affiliate links to products we recommend.

Sometimes we create original content for a brand on our site that we think you’ll like, sometimes they run ad banners on our site or in our newsletter. Once in a while, one of us may be a spokesperson for a brand we really really really like. (That’s three really’s.)

We also may earn a small (super small) percentage of sales when you click through an affiliate link from our site, which we always disclose to you on the post. This adds no additional cost for you but helps support us.

While you can of course buy whatever you want from wherever you want (free country and all), we do appreciate when you shop directly from our affiliate links, because it helps support us and our writers so we can all keep doing what we do, and keep it free for you to read.


When we hold a giveaway, we draw a winner at random based on the entry rules specified in the contest by tallying the number of entries, then using the random integer generator at If we don’t hear back from you, we’ll give you a second warning, then 48 hours after you were first notified we’ll go onto the next person. Although we promise we’ll feel bad doing it.

We are forever grateful to the generous businesses who donate items for giveaways. In return, we may ask you to check out their sites to answer a question to qualify you for entry. If we determine you are getting the answer from another source, like an online contest website, it violates the spirit of the contest and we reserve the right to disqualify you. Then talk about you behind your back.

Other legal stuff we have to tell you about contests and giveaways:

You can only enter once unless the contest rules specify otherwise (be fair). If you violate the rules we’ll disqualify you and your 40 aliases. You must be 18+ and a legal resident of the US unless otherwise specified. Contests end midnight Pacific Time on a specified date, unless otherwise indicated, and we’ll draw a winner within the week after the contest ends. Void where prohibited, wherever that might be. Federal, state, and local taxes, if any, are the sole responsibility of the winner.

Also, and this is the lawyers speaking, we have to give you a non-internetty way to enter. So if you want to fax an entry in, email info[at] and we’ll provide you with a fax number. Because according to the lawyers, somewhere, somehow, there is someone who does not have internet access, still uses fax machines, and they have found some way to read our site which is on the internet.

We’re not responsible if a prize item gets lost in the mail. (It could happen.) We’re not responsible if you send us the wrong address or you move. (It happens more than you’d think.) And once in a while we may have to substitute a prize of comparable value. We’re just trying to do something nice for you all. Cool? Yay, then let’s win some stuff!



As specified under fair use law, we use photos from the websites we feature for purposes such as criticism, news reporting and providing information to our readers, without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright holder.

These photos are the property of their respective website owners or publishers. Public domain, Creative Commons, and copyright-free photos we use from sites including Unsplash, Pixabay, Flickr or Wikimedia Commons are not our property — though we do credit the photographers whenever possible because we believe in supporting artists and creators of all kinds.

Maybe you’ll even see something you love, and hire that photographer for your next project!

All other content on this site is the property of Cool Mom Picks LLC. Do not copy it, use it, scrape it, claim it as your own, or distribute it unless you are properly attributing it to us with a link and adhering to fair use laws. We know people.

To be extra clear:  We are happy to allow legitimate websites and social accounts to publish a short excerpt of our content with proper and conspicuous attribution, including a link back to the original permalink page for more information. If you are not sure if you are doing it right, just email us and we can help.

Also, if you have an image that we have shared under fair use, but you would still like it removed for any reason, or you would like the photo credit to appear differently, by all means email us at



Our trademarks, copyrights, and ideas are aggressively protected by our attorneys.

Last updated March, 2024