by Liz Gumbinner | Beauty + Cosmetics
Truly, I always imagined The Original Makeup Erasers were just washcloths with a gimmick and now I realize that 1) I was wrong and 2) I am hooked! Since I figure I can’t be the last person to try them after being bombarded by ads and reviews, so I wanted to...
by Caroline Siegrist | Beauty + Cosmetics
I think I speak for everyone when I say that there should be a serum to fix what 2020 has done to us. And our faces. Yes, I know that scientists are a little busy developing COVID vaccines at the moment, but as soon as they’re done with that, I’m hoping...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
Yes, yes we know what’s going on in the world. But if you need a little break from watching the news, we’ve got a new Spawned podcast episode just for you, that all started from a post in our Spawned podcast community. (Yes, we are consistent with naming...
by Lexi Petronis | Beauty + Cosmetics
It’s not often that you’ll find a makeup brand that celebrates who women already are instead of making promises as to what women should be. But when Bill Xaing’s daughter was born, he realized that he could do something to change that. So he created...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Beauty + Cosmetics
As the saying goes, always be you, unless you can be a unicorn. Then be a unicorn. But, what if you could be you…wearing makeup inspired by the shimmering, colorful magic of unicorns? Yeah, then be that. PopSugar just gave the world an exclusive look at the new...
by Kristen Chase | Beauty + Cosmetics
If you’re anything like me, you could spend hours shopping for makeup. But, if you’re like me, you don’t even have those hours to shop for makeup. (I wish!) That’s why I was so thrilled to team up with our newest sponsor, Sephora inside...
by Kristyn Rudnet | Beauty + Cosmetics
When Cool Mom Picks asked me to pick the three top lip colors for fall, I was excited. But I know that for a lot of women, the idea of following trends can be a little scary, especially when the trends veer outside of your comfort zone. My job as a professional makeup...
by Kristyn Rudnet | Beauty + Cosmetics
Lately, I’ve been on a mascara mission. For me, not only does the perfect mascara have to look great, and add the perfect amount of volume to my lashes, but it can’t run; I have deep set eyes and often end up with black mascara under my eyes as the day...
by Liz Gumbinner | Beauty + Cosmetics
When it comes to makeup, I’m all about the brows. I’ve suggested many times that if you leave the house with no makeup at all, at least give your eyebrows a little attention and you’ll look groomed. For years now, I’ve been all about Bobbi...
by Kristyn Rudnet | Beauty + Cosmetics
Now that some of our girls are starting to hit the age where they’re asking about more than just a little flavored lip balm, we turned to an expert to offer us advice about makeup for tweens and teens. Because things have come a long way since we were all first...