Get out the scissors! Check out these 7 sets of cool, modern, free printable paper dolls, from Wonder Woman to Hamilton
We’re big fans of free printable paper dolls and find ourselves downloading them all the time for our kids. But while vintage Betsy McCall paper dolls from our childhood still hold a nostalgic place in our hearts, our older kids are often drawn to more modern...
The coolest free printable Halloween paper dolls with costumes from sweet to steampunk to Star Wars
Some of my favorite posts here come from the things my kids ask me to find — in this case, printable Halloween paper dolls. They loved some incredibly adorable paper dolls we’d featured here years back, but now they’ve gotten older and so have their...
The motherlode of free printable paper dolls for pop culture junkies
Several years ago, my youngest daughter fell in love with paper dolls, so I scoured the Internet for tons of free printable paper dolls for her, then shared my favorite ones with you all. Well now she’s gone through them all–multiple times. She’s...
Printable Nutcracker paper dolls bring the magic to a coffee table near you.
Forget overpriced seating and an emergency potty break right before the Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy. Thanks to these gorgeous printable Nutcracker paper dolls from CMP favorite Sarah Jane, now you can enjoy the magic of one of our favorite holiday traditions any...
Personalized paper dolls: Coolest gift in the world. Ever.
Little kids can be tougher to buy gifts for than it might seem. Either they want absolutely everything, or they can’t think of one thing they want. Which is why I’m flipping out over the personalized paper dolls from Sandy Ford Design. What are they?...
The hippest paper dolls in the history of paper dolls. (Possibly a true fact.)
My kids have definitely developed an obsession with paper dolls since I unearthed the ultimate guide to free printable paper dolls on the web. But if you’re willing to spend just a few dollars, I’ve found some that are seriously fantastic. And uh…not...
Free printable paper dolls: the ultimate collection, from Betsy McCall and beyond
I’ve never let go of my love of paper dolls, ever since I played with them myself. (No, not last week with my kids; I mean a loooong time ago.) While our paper dolls apps on my iPhone get a ton of play, so do the regular old paper variety. A little more mess,...
The most spectacular vintage paper dolls. We want them all!
Paper dolls are the perfect emergency boredom-buster to have on hand, at least if you’re our family; every fall, a bunch of annoying colds and coughs descend on my children, leaving at least one of them at any given time home on a school day, moaning...