by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
This funky rocker, called the Giddyup Ozlo, blows away those tired old wooden rocking horses that come in such exciting shades as tan and brown *yawn*. Sure earth tones are stylish and popular right now but we’re talking kid gear, peeps. Given a choice between...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
Around the time our second son was born, I came across an amazing book, The Bitch in the House: 26 Women Tell the Truth About Sex, Solitude, Work, Motherhood, and Marriage, a collection of essays edited by Cathi Hanauer. Pieces by Hope Edelman, Elissa Schappell, and...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
Nothing is cuter than a tiny pair of newborn socks. We all oooh and aaah over the little delicacies at baby showers in all their teeny glory, but the reality of socks is that they suck. It’s a neverending battle line drawn in the sandbox between Moms and their...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
If you’re like me, childbirth left you with a sorry excuse for a tummy and a profound fear of garments ending in the suffix -ini. Praise be Malia Mills, perhaps the only swimwear designer who recognizes we aren‚Äôt all built like coke-snorting cover girls. The...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
mod*mom, that mama with the hippest, most happening retro-modern design blog, is on the lookout for those of you with a good eye and a big heart. You see mod*mom, also known as Kristen (no relation to CMP’s Kristen), was diagnosed earlier this year with breast...
by Cool Mom Team | Entertainment + Media
Music is very important to us here at Cool Mom Picks Headquarters, even more important, rock-a-bye’ing our babies to sleep with style. The Innocence Mission’s newest record, "Now the Day is Over", is a collection of classics and original songs...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
Admit it, the only reason to stick around for the whole gift-opening shebang at baby showers is to make sure no present receives bigger oohs and ahhs than yours. Let’s just say your title of World’s Most Awesome Gift Giver will never be challenged when the hipster...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
Being the extremely mistrusting first-time mother that I am, you might imagine the lengthy pre-evening out monologue that my poor babysitter must endure every time I leave the house. I’m sure I lose her after the first 15 seconds and God only knows how much...
by Cool Mom Team | Entertainment + Media
Call me crazy, but I think if I hear another cheesy kid’s song belted by an extremely happy male and female duo, I may just lose my lunch. I’m not sure what makes us think that kids like to listen to purple dinosaurs and four men in matching shirts when...