by Lexi Petronis | Doing Good
In 2014, more than 21 percent of adults who were eligible to vote, didn’t, because they weren’t registered. It’s especially true of young adults 18-30, whose turnout is about 38 percent lower than voters over 60 in midterm election years. Wow. Yet...
by Caroline Siegrist | Doing Good
We are all fans of Malala Yousafzai (isn’t everyone?), so I was so thrilled to learn about Malala Day, which is today, July 12th. The day celebrates and honors Malala’s tireless work in ensuring education for girls all over the world, especially in areas...
by Kate Etue | Doing Good, Tips + Tricks
This year, a lot of readers and Facebook fans and even some of our own team have mentioned that they feel different about July 4th this year. You too? You’re not alone. In 2018, Gallup released a poll stating that fewer people feel proud to be an American this...
by Lexi Petronis | Doing Good
We’re far from alone in our outrage and heartache about the thousands of kids torn from their parents at our borders without due process, thanks to the administration’s new policy. Far from alone. And despite the Executive Order that the president signed...
by Liz Gumbinner | Doing Good, Fashion
Well, that was fast! It hasn’t been six hours since Melania Trump was photographed wearing a Zara bomber jacket with the questionable message, I Really Don’t Care. Do U? on her way (of all things) to meet migrant children who have been detained and...
by Liz Gumbinner | Father's Day Gifts, Doing Good
Father’s Day is a joyful day. We love honoring all the outstanding dads, stepdads, and granddads in our lives in all the wonderful ways we can. But this year feels different. With the world’s attention trained on the families being torn apart at our...
by Liz Gumbinner | Doing Good
Last night, I attended the Friday night sabbath services before my niece’s Bat Mitzvah. As the Rabbi asked us to quietly send a prayer or good wishes to anyone hurting or in pain right now, all I could think of was the incredibly difficult ACLU report about the...
by Ellyn Exley Dvorkin | Doing Good
This past week, the Federal Election Commission ruled unanimously that federal candidates can now use campaign funds to pay for childcare costs that result from running for office. And it’s a big, big, big deal, whether or not you’re thinking of running...
by Marsha Takeda-Morrison | DIY, Doing Good, Fashion
If you have a tween or teen (or you’re just a cool mom) you probably have a pair of Vans in your house. How many are gathering dust in your closet? Five? Ten? Forty? Van’s Custom Culture program might just inspire you to give those shoes a new life. The program...
by Marsha Takeda-Morrison | Toys + Playthings, Doing Good
These are tough times, which is why now, more than ever, we need to remind ourselves – and teach our kids – to keep up the good fight about all the things we care about. But it can be exhausting getting inspired if you’re on a steady diet (by choice or not) of 24/7...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kid Style, Doing Good
When I discovered the Chalk of the Town t-shirts at Toy Fair 2018, I was so excited! The basics: chalkboard shapes like talk bubbles or hearts on a tee, that kids can write on with chalk markers, wash…then start all over again. Right away, I exclaimed that my...
by Cool Mom Team | Doing Good
This is a sponsored message from St. Mary’s Kids At a time that we are all looking for the helpers, and trying to find goodness in the world, St. Mary’s Kids is providing it daily for thousands of kids. And while some children’s hospitals may be...