by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
With my oldest heading off to college this fall, I’ve been thinking about all the things kids should know before leaving home. And it’s a lot. In fact I’ve found myself in a sort of panic mode wondering whether she knows some basics to help her...
by Kate Etue | Back to School Shopping, DIY, Tips + Tricks
When we think back to school season, we’re also thinking about those time-saving hacks we dust off to ease out of the summer groove and ready for our September (or August!) routines. While our Annual Back to School Guide mostly features the coolest new...
by Kate Etue | Tips + Tricks, Baby, Family Travel
It was time for us to bring back some solid tips for staying in a hotel with toddlers, babies or even older kids. Because this week, we all started seeing this “TikTok hotel hacks” article going around and sheesh! It seems the article was made more for...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
Call us the handwriting brigade. Seriously. From day one, even with the advent of technology and the slow decline of handwriting instruction (let alone cursive, gah!) in schools, we’ve always made it our mission to encourage kids not to lose the art of...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
Our team at Cool Mom Picks jokes that we have a lot of children among us, but the truth is, we have quite a few divorces and separations among us too. That means we’ve had a lot of experience trying to achieve healthy co-parenting, having navigated some...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks, Living
We’re big fans of those simple joys, like knowing you have spare batteries, a working pen, or a fresh new water filter replacement right when you need it. But unlike batteries, which you can just grab pretty much anywhere, it can be a hassle tracking down the...
by Kate Etue | Tips + Tricks, Doing Good
I’ve entered the parenting stage that involves a lot more talking about the important issues in my kids’ lives — and in the world around them. Which is why we’re sharing these tips for hard talks to have with your kids. There’s something...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips + Tricks
In our three-part Life Skills Series, we’ve shared tips to help you raise critical thinkers and to raise problem-solvers. Now, I’m excited to share ideas around collaborating and working together. Because what the world needs now (besides love, sweet love)...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
In the first post of our Life Skills Series, we shared tips to help you raise critical thinkers. And next up, we’re talking about how to teach your kids problem-solving skills. As adults, we know how important they are in our everyday lives, but it’s hard...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
If one thing has become abundantly clear over the past few years, our kids are growing up seeing all kinds of problems we face in the world, and they’re increasingly asking us what they can do, or how they can be part of the solution. That’s pretty...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks, Baby, Kids
Raise your hand if you’ve ever gotten terrible parenting advice! Wait, all of you who have kids? Ha, yes. Of course all of us have. It’s like a rite of passage for new parents. But the good thing is, with some perspective and guidance, you can help...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kids, Tips + Tricks
I am what you’d call a camp evangelist, especially after seeing all the ways summer camp has helped my kids grow. And I’ve had a long time to be able to see that growth — our youngest is about to finish her ninth (!) year at the same camp, while her...