by Delilah S. Dawson | Books for Kids
I’m smitten with kittens–of the fox and rabbit variety. And piglets, too. If you like open-ended, simple, beautiful activity books that leave plenty of room for imagination and fun, then you’ll want to buy all three. That’s a total of 96...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Art + Decor
In this fontastic alphabet, J stands for James…James Bond? I’m in. Especially since I is for Iron Man.I just love the way Helvetica is used to depict some of my favorite superheroes and famous characters, and wow, how great would they be in a cool...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Art + Decor
Moms of boys, rejoice! One of our favorite artists for fierce girl-power art is now tackling the sweet but manly side of our sons. We fell in love with Amanda Visell’s quartet of strong girl posters. Then we cheered for her second take on girls who...
by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
If your kids are like mine, then getting something in the mail with their name on it completely makes their day. However when it’s filled with arts, crafts, and everything you need to make them, well, I’m pretty sure it would make their year. We’ve...
by Christina Refford | DIY
I spend a lot of time lately telling my kids about the “dangers of the sun” as I apply yet another layer of SPF 30+. But this weekend, we spent a lot of time talking about the cool art that the sun can make with this creative new kit from CMP favorite Eye...
by Liz Gumbinner | Art + Decor
When I find myself with a little square of wall space to fill, I’ve found that ornaments can add nice texture and dimension, instead of another poster or print. And this Etsy shop makes ones that are so cute, I might just clear some space. The little red moon...
by Cool Mom Team | Art + Decor
Last year, owls were the hot animal motif of the season. While they’re not going anywhere, I do think that the cool cute animal du jour is now the fox. Which is replacing the dragonfly, butterfly, and octopus trends I’ve noticed over the years. If it were...
by Stephanie Mayers | Toys + Playthings
Puzzles are the new family time favorite of our preschooler who is outgrowing her wooden pegged farm animals for more complex designs. I am happy to indulge her, but I refuse to throw down any more money on unimaginative cartoon character puzzles. I think puzzles can...
by Christina Refford | Tips + Tricks
I need a birthday gift idea for my soon-to-be 5-year-old daughter. She has tons of Barbies, tons of clothes – she is a girly girl and loves all things to do with painting nails, wearing girly stuff. I feel like we have way too many toys and clothes. What else is...