No wire hangers!

No wire hangers!

Sometimes it’s the extra touches added to a baby gift that can make difference between a simple Thank you so much and an effusive Oh my goodness I absolutely love it!Take the sweet vintage-inspired wooden hangers at Zia + Tia. Sure, they make a...
Cool Mom Picks loves ABC!

Cool Mom Picks loves ABC!

So maybe March winds bring April showers, but around here, that means baby showers. Wait–before we scare our spouses, we’re talking about Cool Mom Picks co-founder and editor-in-chief Liz’s appearance on Parenting with Annie Pleshette Murphy on ABC...
Solid basics for kids? Reader Q&A

Solid basics for kids? Reader Q&A

I am trying to locate solid lap tees, onesies, and pants comparable to American Apparel in lots of great colors. Any suggestions? – JasmineI’m a huge fan of plain, bright solid baby clothes myself, Jasmine, and luckily, we’ve featured...