by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
While most toy companies start basic and work outward from there, I think it’s really interesting that CMP fave (and pretty much every kids boutique’s fave), Blabla Kids, has evolved from their quirky and sometimes irreverent line of fair trade hand-knit...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
I am trying to find a gift for my one year old niece and I can’t figure anything out. I don’t want to do clothes and plastic toys. I’d like something commemorative – but what? -GraceIf your niece’s grandparents are like my kids’...
by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
Just when I’m convinced that I have indeed found the cutest rattles ever, I take a spin through etsy and find stiff competition in the handmade birdie baby rattles from Mamachee.These rattles feature sweet little birds on a brown handle, all of which...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
If there’s anything that can give my retired uterus a few pangs, it’s a pair of adorable hand knit baby booties, like the new ones from CMP fave Tiny Sprouts. Known for their sweetly embroidered personalized baby blankets and baby clothes, they’ve...
by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
I make no apologies about dissuading people from giving stuffed animals as baby gifts because the damn things just seem to spawn and multiply overnight. But I could easily make an exception when it comes to the gorgeous plush baby rattles that are a result of an...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
I just opened the baby onesies that came in from the mail from Angel Dear and suddenly I found I had a little catch in my throat. Something about the teeny teeny little size and that tag reading newborn just made me all sentimental for the days that my girls were just...