by Caroline Siegrist | Uncategorized
I’ve only been a mom for five months, but it’s long enough to know that mommy shaming is a very real thing. Whether it’s the sidelong stare from a stranger while you breastfeed in public or the loaded question, Oh, your baby doesn’t eat 1000%...
by Georgette Gilmore | Entertainment + Media
There are three fantastic children’s books being made into movies for release this fall and early 2018. The way I see it, that gives us plenty of time to read them before scheduling a family movie night to see them! I’m a big believer in reading the book...
by Ellyn Exley Dvorkin | Entertainment + Media
You may still know Karyn Parsons best as Hilary Banks from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, but we now know her as the incredible founder of Sweet Blackberry, where she’s hard at work sharing stories of notable African-Americans who empower and instill a sense of...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
Does anyone really want to see your kids’ poop photos on Facebook? Should you lie to your kids when they walk in on you uh…wrestling? What does it mean to “walk a mile in another table’s pants?” Actually, we don’t know about that...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
This weekend, Senator Ben Sasse issued a response to address the (rightful) outrage around his Friday night appearance with Bill Maher. He stated that he should have spoken up when Maher unacceptably used the N-word. He tweeted that “just cringing last night...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
As your kids get older, it can get a little tougher to find ways to bond and connect with them. One perfect way is through music. But can you handle what they’re listening to? That’s why we were so excited this week to sit down and discuss the issue with...
by Liz Gumbinner | Random Coolness
Not all of us moms are so genetically blessed as to fit into our skinny jeans two weeks postpartum — let alone thick-skinned enough to “love ourselves as we are” all the time. #NOnomakeupselfie #sorrynotsorry So bless those awesome celebrity moms...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
While yes, 8 zillion other outrageous things have happened since Sunday night’s Meryl Streep speech that brought down the Golden Globes (and a certain volatile twitter account), we still think it bears discussing. So today on the latest Spawned podcast episode,...
by Liz Gumbinner | Entertainment + Media
If like me, you try to choose carefully when it comes to which movies make sense to see in a theater where it costs you a year’s college tuition for a family of four — and then, decide which movies seem worth forking over the extra few bucks for the 3D...
by Kate Etue | Books for Kids, Entertainment + Media
My kids love to read. But they also love to go to the movies. Luckily, that makes our summer reading easy this year, since I’m going to encourage them to pick up some of the great children’s books that are being adapted into movies this summer and fall....