What the Mayans got right: hot chocolate

What the Mayans got right: hot chocolate

Well, we here are beyond happy to know that the world is still around today, Mayan calendar apocalypse warnings notwithstanding. It would be so wrong for it all to end before we get a chance to dig into Season 3 of Downton Abbey.  So we were thinking, if you’ve...
Ice cream in November? Heck, yeah.

Ice cream in November? Heck, yeah.

As we head toward the season of celebration, I’m so excited to see the new fall flavors come in from CMP’s favorite little handmade custom ice cream shop, eCreamery. And to hear that they’re not too overwhelmed on shipping, now that their Shark Tank...
A step up from Hanukkah gelt and candy canes

A step up from Hanukkah gelt and candy canes

Not to be dissing those chalk gold-wrapped coins with an actual chocolate content of about .03%, but if you’re going to treat your dreidel winners with sweets this Hanukkah, we’ve got a better idea. The Hanukkah chocolate disks from CMP fave Rogue...