by Cool Mom Team | Back to School Shopping, School Gear
As parents, one of our favorite things about the web is the ability to find so many cool–often free–printables for kids of all kinds that make us all look like crafty geniuses. They’re especially abundant this time of year, as back to school...
by Cool Mom Team | Father's Day Gifts
While Pinterest is a great source for DIY gifts for dads (hey, we kind of like our own DIY and Printables board) it can be hard to sort through it all to find the good stuff. You know what we mean. So as we wrap up our 2014 Father’s Day Gift Guide, we searched...
by Christina Refford | DIY
We may never be royals, as the song says, but I know that my kids will still treat me like a queen on Mother’s Day. And since every queen deserves a crown, I love this clever printable Mother’s Day card that doubles by a crown. I know it would look really...
by Christina Refford | Books for Kids
When I first got my hands on the open-ended coloring book Fotoplay! back in 2012, I fell in love with the way photographer M. J. Bronstein used her snapshots as prompts, encouraging kids to draw all over them to create their own personal masterpiece. Her new coloring...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Kids
I am an unapologetic Mo Willems groupie, in part because I don’t think the author/illustrator has ever had a miss. Now, the .500 streak continues with his newest in the popular Pigeon Series, The Pigeon Needs a Bath. All just in time for our favorite wry,...