by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
Anyone with a kid over about 18 months knows that cupcakes are essentially crack for children. I could get my daughters to clean every room in the house with a toothbrush if they knew there were a cupcake in it for them at some point. (And, ahem, so would their...
by Danielle | Food + Recipes
I am a stubborn mom, so I am going to continue to put vegetables on my kids’ plate at every meal, but I am practical enough to realize that they aren’t always been ingested. My son has been known to slide his plate down the table at maximum velocity while...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Before my kids consume their body weight in candy on Easter, I try to get something healthy into their bodies at breakfast. One really clever way to do this is to put the colorful Rise & Shine Gift Box from Kid Central Kitchen on the table and let them think that...
by Danielle | Food + Recipes
My kids have grown up knowing how important food is to me, so it’s not surprising that they are both fascinated by the kitchen. Children’s cookbooks are a frequent gift at birthday and holiday time, but I’m usually very disappointed in how so many of...