by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
What is that pagoda of power in the photo? What’s even better than Pinterest? Where the heck is my iPhone? To answer these questions, we present some of our favorite picks from the last week, just in case you missed them. 1. If you’re in the market for a...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
From saving your gadgets to saving your sanity, here are a few of our favorite picks from the past week, just in case you missed them. 1. Our very favorite developer is back with a brilliant new kids’ app that rocks. Literally. 2. If you need a good laugh,...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
From retro to oh-so-new, we’ve got the tech for you. Here are a few of our favorite picks from the last week, just in case you missed them. 1.Even little babies can get in on Instagram, thanks to this adorable handmade toy. 2. Store your kids’ artwork...
by Cool Mom Team | Back to School Shopping, School Gear
These days, there’s just no way we could head back to school without a little (okay, a lot of) help from technology. That’s why we’ve put together our second annual Cool Mom Tech Back to School Guide, which launched this week. You’ll find tons...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
Here are a few of our favorite tech picks from the last week, just in case you missed them. And no, that’s not a giant, delicious donut. Sorry.1. If you’ve got kids and own a camera, you need this book!2. Sending paper thank-you cards through the mail...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
Whether you’re exercising your brain or your body this summer, we’ve got the tech scoop on how to make it easier and more fun. Here are some of our favorite tech picks from the last week, just in case you missed them.1. The only question asked more than...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Art + Decor
Let’s not limit it to moose and squirrel shall we? We’ve also got racooons and badger and that popular fox, plus skunk and one very smug wolf.What can we say? We’re smitten with the critters in this whimsical woodland creature print that’s been...
by Cool Mom Team | Art + Decor
Last year, owls were the hot animal motif of the season. While they’re not going anywhere, I do think that the cool cute animal du jour is now the fox. Which is replacing the dragonfly, butterfly, and octopus trends I’ve noticed over the years. If it were...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Cool Tech, Kid Style
The summer’s getting hotter, and so is tech! In case you missed them, here are a few of our favorite picks from Cool Mom Tech the last week.1. We love this adorable gift for babies of tech fans.2. This super gorgeous lomo camera will wow everyone at the cocktail...