by Stephanie Slate | Doing Good
My kids are getting to an age when they’re understanding that there are big differences between the way we live and how families around the world live.It’s pretty tough these days, though, for a kid to feel like they can make any kind of impact in a...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Baby
Recently, we introduced you to an incredible company making beautiful scarves that help significantly improve the lives of mothers and women in Africa. Along those same lines, we’re so happy to see that babywearing has also gotten more stylish and altruistic,...
by Christina Refford | Kid Style
Listen up, partner. Even though they’re cute as the dickens, those baby toes must go under wraps in this colder weather. And if you’re going to cover those sweet things up, you might as well do it with something just as adorable, like these soft handmade...
by Stephanie Mayers | Toys + Playthings
Before I was a cool mom, I was a cool aunt with very high standards. Lucky for me, being a cool aunt in New York City isn’t tough, as fabulous boutiques beckon from just about every other corner. But one in particular really captured this cool auntie’s...
by Liz Gumbinner | Doing Good
October is here, which means Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In other words, prepare for the influx of pink ribbons on everything and loads of Facebook “awareness” memes on your wall.In the past, we’ve been happy to support great companies with their...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Doing Good
I panic whenever it’s time for teacher gifts. How many apple mugs does one person need? Does she have food allergies? Will the collection of Starbucks gift cards send him spiraling into caffeine-induced madness?But here’s one gift that’s beautiful,...
by Lexi Petronis | Helpful Services
Planning a kids’ party isn’t for the faint of heart, even though the end results (adorable cake-face photos! happy wee ones!) are always worth it. Let’s face it: life is crazybusy. So I can totally see why more and more parents are turning to...
by Cool Mom Team | Doing Good
For many of us, this is a sobering and painful day, one that we will always remember. Whether we lived through the darkness in NYC and DC 11 years ago, or we watched the terrible events unfold from our homes and offices far away, 9/11 will never be far from our...
by Lexi Petronis | Doing Good
During this back-to-school season, it can be kind of easy to forget that there are some kids in the world who don’t go to school at all. But you can help–all with the purchase of a super-cool bookbag or backpack from an amazing company. After a trip to...