by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
Long ago when my parents would drag us on a 10 hour family road trip to Hilton Head, South Carolina, my brother and I would occupy ourselves with all sorts of fun travel-friendly activities, none of which included a DVD player. Imagine that!While I definitely pack our...
by Liz Gumbinner | Cards + Stationery
I think I’m in love. The object of my affection: The selection of decorative artwork embellished with handcut paper hearts from the brand new Etsy shop Paper Cut Works. Ania Alyson, Seattle artist by way of Poland, creates artsy, anatomically-inspired hearts out...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Our passionate, abiding love for Etsy is no secret, so we are thrilled (thrilled!) to be featured today on Etsy’s handmade blog, The Storque, talking about some of our favorite handmade Mother’s Day gift ideas from some of our favorite artists. We’ve...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Baby, Kid Style
My very favorite word is cupcake, but I’m also a huge fan of funky, simple, and handmade. Luckily, those are the specialties of Mountain Aven Baby. Well, maybe not the cupcake part. But the other three.We see loads of bibs and blankets, but what makes WAHM-run...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Despite our incredible devotion to tracking down the most awesome Mother’s Day gifts around here, we recognize that not every family is gift-y. Sometimes it’s indeed the thought that counts, and that a beautiful card inscribed with a heartfelt sentiment...
by Cool Mom Team | Art + Decor
My mom has always had a thing for vintage cards, particularly valentines. My dining room growing up was filled with shadow boxes holding beautiful, textural Victorian cards and I remember just losing myself in them for hours. I figure I could recreate that idea as a...
by Liz Gumbinner | Fashion
I’m giving into the turquoise trend this spring, albeit gently–you won’t find me dripping in Santa Fe turquoise stones or Grandma’s shocking aqua Palm Beach duds. But when I saw these resin bangles on the front page of etsy I thought ooh,...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Baby, Kid Style
Look at the 2010 love logo carefully and you’ll see how cool it is. And the thinking of the company behind the clever design is equally simple but striking: Make the world better in 2010. Do it through love. Which is what makes the 2010 love onesie a sweet...