by Eva Glettner | Doing Good
I’m a huge fan of FEED. If you’re not familiar with this amazing company run by Lauren Bush, let me give you the CliffsNotes version: you buy a funky bag, shirt or more, and you are directly helping to feed a school child through partnerships with...
by Liz Gumbinner | Storage + Organization
A few years ago we fell in love with the MomAgenda School Year Journals, so much so that I raved about them everywhere, from my own kids’ classes to the TODAY show (where I also confessed my inability to maintain even a baby book). So I thought it was so clever...
by Christina Refford | Toys + Playthings
Though enjoying the Olympics means that we are all watching about 2000x as much television as we normally would on a nice summer’s day, I love how inspired my kids’ play has become. Whether they are turning the couch cushions into hurdles or doing...
by Eva Glettner | Family Travel
Let me tell you why I’m Bakfiet crazy: when I had kids, I really wanted to keep up my exercise routine and just have them fall in line. I got a double jogger, which was great. But I really wanted to bike with the kids in tow, I just didn’t feel super...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
We’re all a little prone to dehydration in the summer around here, so I’m not above letting my kids grab swigs of my Gatorade on a really hot day. It’s not the worst thing in the world, but it’s not the best. So I’m all for trying out an...
by Cool Mom Team | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
We’re always amazed at how many of you are able to make time for running and working out all while chasing after your kids. So with our own Julie Marsh completing her first marathon (go Julie!) and aiming to finish a slew of triathlons this year, and our Editor...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
Ah, Spring. When our thoughts turn lightly to disinfecting the keyboard and running away from zombies. Yours will too, once you check out these top picks from the last week.1. Kids and parents of all ages will love this amazing atlas iPad app that makes us want to...
by Cool Mom Team | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
I suppose it’s not surprising that one of my favorite parts of running races, aside from the medal, has to be the Expo, where I can shop for all the coolest new running gear. And that’s exactly what happened when I recently ran Disneyland’s...