Memorable Christmas gift for Daddy-to-be? Reader Q&A

Memorable Christmas gift for Daddy-to-be? Reader Q&A

My husband and I are having our first born, a girl, next year. I want to get him something Daddy related for Christmas this year that is sentimental but not cheesy. . . Any ideas? -E Congratulations! We love this question and there are so many great ways to celebrate...
Real men write nice notes

Real men write nice notes

This year for the holidays, instead of getting your guy a remote control bottle opener or electronic book mark, I say go off the grid and surprise him with this elegant, yet undeniably masculine set of ManCards stationery for men, by Michael Magrin. This $15 set of...
Gonna take a sentimental journey

Gonna take a sentimental journey

In only five or so years of spousal gift giving, I think I pretty much exhausted the personalized, sentimental guy gifts. So my interest was piqued when I saw the custom map cufflinks from Anne Holman. Using vintage world atlases, Anne will take your choice of...
Herman Miller tops [pant pant pant]

Herman Miller tops [pant pant pant]

Let’s say you’ve got a mid-century modern design freak on your holiday shopping list – you know, the kind of person who has everything already, and what he or she doesn’t have, you probably can’t afford. Now let’s just say you were...
Daddy wants a new solar charger

Daddy wants a new solar charger

When considering your options for a more eco Father’s Day (as seems to be the going trend these days), we’re liking Sustain Stores for a whole bunch of earth-friendly and guy-friendly high-tech choices. They’ve got gadgets like solar chargers and eco...