Keep your elves busy with these Color-in Gift Tags

Keep your elves busy with these Color-in Gift Tags

My kids really want to be helper elves when it comes to wrapping the gifts, but after a roll of tape and a yard of paper, I’ve learned to enlist their help in other ways. So instead of handing them the safety scissors and gift wrap, I’m going to hand them...
The coolest modern menorahs

The coolest modern menorahs

The countdown is on–you’ve now got one month until Haunukkah! Do you know where your menorah is?While I love the idea of using a menorah at Hanukkah that’s passed down through the generations, I think there’s also something great about finding...
Holiday cards that are truly a work of art

Holiday cards that are truly a work of art

Every year after I spend half the day trying to get myself ready, and then wrangling my four kids and my husband for our annual holiday card family photo extravaganza, I vow to do something different the next year. I have found it! With one of a kind cards featuring...
The holiday cards for people who love paper

The holiday cards for people who love paper

One of my favorite holiday traditions is sending and receiving cards in the mail — especially the photo kind. (I can’t possibly be the only one. Who doesn’t love getting real mail? And photos? Everyone does!) It’s the best part of December, by...
A coupon worth its weight in gold glitter glue

A coupon worth its weight in gold glitter glue

Something strange happens to me every December. I don’t usually have much patience for craft projects, but every holiday season, something comes over me and I feel the need to do something with glitter.Well, here’s a holiday gift for all of us crafting...
Customized champagne has holidays written all over it

Customized champagne has holidays written all over it

A lot of us are probably more used to popping bottles of milk and apple juice than champagne these days. But the holidays call for sparkle–and I’m talking fancy shoes, party dresses, and champagne, not Elmer’s glue and glitter (as much as I am...
This holiday season, feel like a crafting genius

This holiday season, feel like a crafting genius

I love crafty people. I wish I were one of them, but, alas, I’m not even that great at wrapping gifts. They end up looking like my three-year-old took the reins. But, this year, my friends and family will think I’ve developed some serious crafting skills...