Honey for the hostess

Honey for the hostess

While Christmas is drawing ever so close, I know the hostess invitations and house visits will extend well into the new year. I can’t stop browsing hostess gifts, looking for something more interesting than candles or flower bouquets. I think these handmade...
It’s in the bag.

It’s in the bag.

We’re now formally in the “handing-someone-a-bottle-of wine” season, and while most of us can simply stick a bow on it and pass it on, there are times when that bottle needs a little more oomph than a plain brown paper bag or a crinkled sheet of...
Caps off to you

Caps off to you

I have hostess gifts on the brain these days; maybe it’s just wishful thinking that I’ll get lots of fancy summer house invitations this season? Or maybe I’m just dying to get someone a little gift as cool as this sleek little Urban Creature bottle...
Boys Get the Grills in the Back

Boys Get the Grills in the Back

Feminism and other gender equality issues aside, I’m more than happy to relegate the grilling to the sigOth. Men just have some primal need to play with fire, and I’m more than happy to let them. My guy would totally love Grill Charms, which is a smart...